7 Basic Facts to know about Custom USB C Cables

If you plan to add a USB Type-C cable for your project, you must be aware of the risks and limitations of USB C cables. Most project managers may think that standard custom USB C cables can enhance their project’s efficiency, but that’s not the case.

If you are highly motivated to implement these high-speed cables for your project, you can try custom USB C cables by CLOOM Tech. We offer a wide range of custom cables for data and energy transmission for industrial and commercial projects.

black USB type c cable

black USB type c cable

Here are some essential factors that you must be aware of regarding the use of USB C cables.

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1. Custom USB C Cables– The Charging Speed is Not Up to the Mark.

Undoubtedly, USB C is great, and the data transmission rates are still much higher than other cables. Neither commercial project teams nor industries accepted these USB C cables.

The low charging speed is one of the significant issues that frustrated the teams and consumers. The energy transmission is not up to the mark, though it is better than standard cables. Even if you use the same device for the same charger with the varying USB C cables, you will see that the charging speed is different every time. In most scenarios, replacing the original company-made USB C cable with any other standard cable will not offer fast charging. USB C ports are also responsible for this issue if you keep changing the wires and the device starts reducing the charging speed.

Connecting USB type C cable to a laptop computer

Connecting USB type C cable to a laptop computer

If you are dealing with devices that need bulk production of the USB C cables, you can go with custom USB C cable production. This way, you won’t have to face the performance limitations of the stock market cables. The charging speed of the custom USB C cables by CLOOM Tech will surely match the wires’ charging rate that you generally get in the box. You can get rid of the slow charging speed issue with custom USB C cables in simple words.

2.Custom USB C Cables– Data Transfer issues

The prime purpose of replacing the older models was to enhance data transmission rates. If a consumer chooses a C cable not meant to support fast charging, he will get the same speed as 2.0 cathe bles. Just imagine paying for the price of the USB C cable while getting the same data speed as old generation cables.

USB type C and USB 3.0 format cables

USB type C and USB 3.0 format cables

Choosing the standard USB C cables may not only hinder the high-speed data transfer but will also damage the performance of the device. CLOOM Tech offers sophisticated USB C cables that provide the desired data transfer rates that you can choose. The data transfer rates are more related to the lines’ data transfer specification than the USB port. The usage of USB C cable is also limited as you cannot do a lot except the device’s charging and transferring the data. For example, USB C cables may not support HDMI, and the lack of support for other devices limits the use of type-clines in different environments. If some device does not come with standard HDMI and Ethernet ports, it does not mean that USB C cable can replace them.

3.Custom USB C Cables– No Clarity About Supported Features

Every USB C cable manufacturer introduces the cables with support for every device, but it is not a reality. There are no clear instructions or rules about the supported features of USB C cables. The product description sheets describe these things about the wires, but most manufacturers tend to skip the supported attributes and devices.

Cable USB type-C

Cable USB type-C

In a general scenario, you won’t be able to tell whether a sure cable is going to offer fast charging or not. Most of the USB C cables come with no or very few product details. So, you will get a hit and trial method. If you want to be sure about your desired devices’ support, you can go with custom USB C cables. Our product may not solve all the problems associated with the USB C cables, but custom cables are still way better than standard ones.

Some cables come with an “SS” mark on them, indicating the super speed data transfer, but it says nothing about fast charging.

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4. Poor Quality Cables Can Damage Appliances.

In general, USB C cables come with expensive devices. Even in smartphones, all the new and costly models support USB C cables for data and energy transmission. Using the wrong type of line for these devices can damage the device. For example, if you have plugged the standard USB cable into the type-C port, the overflow of the current may damage the device or the dock.

The use of older cables in the type-c port can make your device vulnerable to human error. Attaching the wrong line to the USB port is too familiar, but this mistake can cost you a lot in USB C cables. There are some cases where smartphone giants like Apple have allowed certified 3rd party products with their devices. Still, that’s not the best thing to do.

5. Custom USB C Cables– Port Shortage

Most of the brands and manufacturers replaced regular USB ports with USB C ports. The purpose of this design approach was to make the designs more compact. By replacing different ports with a single port, the manufacturers introduced slim devices.

Although it feels great to have a single port for all operations like charging, data transmission, and media, there are some limitations. If you are using that port for data transmission, you may not be able to charge your device. So, the use of a USB C port limits the usability of different functions of the device. It is a fact that the USB C port may not replace the traditional connectors so easily. You can consider including USB C ports in your products, but replacing the conventional ports with USB C ports may not be a good idea.

USB-c cable connector and phone part input Type-C

6. Custom USB C Cables– Full Adoption is Not Easy.

Theoretically, USB C cables are the best, but practically, these cables could not impress the targeted audience. The number of devices with USB C cable support is way less than the traditional cable support devices. So, for the universal adoption of the USB C cables, a long time is required. Newer devices incorporate the USB C cables and ports, but the users find it hard to carry different lines for different devices. The wide acceptability of the USB C cables will need some time and support from other manufacturers.

Apart from the consumers, product manufacturers are not ready to adopt this new tech. Even in 2020, many new smartphones and gadgets come with traditional port support, and the trend of conventional cables is going to stay here for some time.

7.Custom USB C Cables–Compatibility Issue

Most of the new devices still don’t support the USB C cables. The wide adaptability of the USB C cables requires more and more devices with type-c support. Many other factors define the device’s compatibility with lines like charging speed, alternate modes, and legacy standards. With custom USB C cable manufacturing, you can have the wires made explicitly for your custom applications. The range of power options is also a limitation and compatibility issue. Without an original and company-made USB C cable, you may not be able to acquire the charging speed that you expect from high-speed USB C cables.

Cable and device connectors USB type-c


USB C cables need distinctive design and manufacturing details that are only possible with custom services. If you want to scale your business with a newer device that supports USB C cables, we can help you eliminate all given problems. CLOOM Tech manufactures high-speed fast charging cables that can meet your data and current requirements.

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