4 Factors To Consider When Choosing a Custom Cable Assembly

Every project and equipment has a specific set of needs to function. It includes the types of cables that connect all the components. Most of these components require custom cable assembly to connect and function. 

However, this task is neither easy nor cost-effective. Every cable serves a unique application and requires a lot of time and trial to figure out what combination of products will help your project’s purpose. On the other hand, you can have custom cables made and assembled as per the requirements of your project. They’ll give you much better performance than the market products and prove cost-effective in the long run.

Specialized designers and engineers can advise you on making custom cables and help you choose the best raw materials. This way, you can design a cable that serves your needs and meets the industry’s quality standards.  

Custom cable assemblies completed in the following manner:

  • Understanding the client’s requirements
  • Designing a cable based on the needs
  • Getting approval from the client based on its feasibility
  • Creating a prototype and see if it works well
  •  Manufacturing and supplying the product to the industry

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Chapter 1.The Lead Times of Custom Cable Assembly

The time taken between ordering a batch of custom cables and the actual turnaround is known as the lead time. Factors like the customer’s urgency and how complex the cable’s design can influence the length of this time.

A cable’s design includes several components like conductor, insulator, jacket, filler, connectors, and more. Each of these elements needs to meet the requirements set by the client. Apart from that, the elements should also work together and produce the desired results. The choice of elements depends to no small extent on the environment. You need to know where the cables will be used, the amount of pressure, and the expected wear and tear they’ll receive.

Every component of the cable is well thought of before a design is drawn. After that, prepare and test the prototype of the cable. The prototype needs to meet the highest standards of quality and performance. It should also pass the test for durability and working under high pressure. The cable is sent into production after that. So, the lead time depends on all of these factors and the individual time taken up by them.

Custom Cable Assembly

Chapter 2. The Customizable Features

Every cable manufacturer makes sure that the product is good to use before sending it to the client. So, custom cables are much safer compared to store-bought ones. Every industry-level equipment has a different power threshold, and a cable should be able to take that. Thus, certain store-bought cables are incapable of it.

Apart from that, safety must be kept in mind when dealing with electricity and wires. A faulty custom cable assembly can damage your equipment and leave you with expensive repair costs. It may also damage the wiring of the equipment connected to it. Thus, it’ll end up lowering the productivity of the organization. A good custom cable assembly ensures less environmental damage and safety by preventing electrical fires and subsequent smoke.

From the wires used as conductors to the terminals of each cable, custom cables can be designed to suit any of your purposes. It can power your devices or help them function depending on the usage you’re looking for.

Following are the elements that you can customize in a custom cable.

2.1 Conductors of the Cable Assembly

 The conductor is the core of each car and wire, and It the element through which the electricity travels. The gauge of a conductor determines the amount of electricity that passes through it. The purpose of the cable, the voltage, and the operating signal determine the voltmeter used.

 The conductor and its gauge also decide the overall cost of the custom cable. For example, a large gauge isn’t useful in several workplaces but can reduce energy costs. It’s also more expensive to produce. On the other hand, a strand can help because it’s flexible but costly. You need to keep the requirements in mind before making a choice.

 The most common conductor used in a custom cable is copper. However, it isn’t the best choice for every cable as the metal can corrode. Hence, an alloy or a plated metal conductor can be considered in such cases. Based on the requirement, these conductors can be solid or stranded. The size and configuration of the conductor are also dependent on the requirement. Customers need to consider all the factors before choosing the right material for the conductor.

Custom Cable Assembly

2.2 Insulation of Cable Assembly

 Heat and moisture can damage the wire and cause an accident. An insulator helps protect the wire and prevents the energy from leaking through the cable. The safety and efficiency of the material are the deciding factors for picking an insulator. Materials like plastics, rubbers, and fluoropolymers can be used for the insulator.

 The environment in which the cable will be used also plays a role. For example, if the environment deals with heavy pressure or extreme temperature, the cable shouldn’t break or melt. It should be able to withstand sudden changes. The insulators should be able to cover the metal in wet environments so that the liquids don’t touch it. It prevents the cable from becoming a fire or electrical hazard.

Custom Cable Assembly

2.3 Fillers of the Cable Assembly

 A filler is needed in a custom cable to stop the heat and friction in the wire. It maintains the shape of the wire as well. As a result, it prevents any chances of damage to the cable due to heavy pressure or breakage.

 The material of a filler can be made out of a foam substance or plastics. Every material has a different property that adds a different use to your custom assembly. The filler of a cable can be made out of cotton, PVC, fleece, nylon, or Kevlar.

 Cotton works as a low-cost solution for cables that aren’t required to be durable. It keeps the cable more flexible as compared to a plastic filler. But a plastic filler is relatively lighter and more durable. Depending on the requirement of your project, you can choose the perfect filler material for your custom cable.

Custom Cable Assembly

2.4 Shielding of the Cable Assembly

 The custom cable assemblies designed for the transmission of data have to deal with electromagnetic interference. This interference, known as noise, can affect the proper functioning of the equipment. An insulator or a jacket can only protect the material from mechanical and environmental wear. However, these components cannot protect the cable from electromagnetic energy.

 Shielding helps to combat the interference in cable assemblies. A shield surrounds the power-carrying conductor and reduces the noise. It is achieved by either reflecting the energy or picking up the noise and conducting it to the ground.

 Every cable has varying degrees of shielding. It depends upon the environment in which the cable is being used, the cost of the cable, and the physical properties of the cable. The shielding for a cable can either be of a foil or a braid type. The foil shielding uses a thin layer of metal which grounds the noise through a terminal wire. The braiding method uses a woven mesh of metal wires which provide a low-resistance path to the ground.

 In boisterous environments, cables may require multiple layers of shielding. Take into consideration everything before choosing one.

Custom Cable Assembly

2.5 Jacketing of the Cable Assembly

 The outermost layer of a cable is its jacket. It protects the cable from heat, moisture, fire, and any chemical reaction. The jacket shields the cable from any mechanical damage during and after its installation, and They provide UV and Ozone protection to the cable. The jacket also does not let any moisture enter the cable and protects any chemical reaction.

 Choosing the right kind of material for the jacket is essential. The environment in which the cable would be used should be kept in mind while making a choice. For example, a cable used in an environment dealing with fluids should have a jacket that doesn’t allow any exposure to it. The commonly used materials for jacketing are Polyurethane, PVC, Thermoplastic rubber, CPE, and more.

Custom Cable Assembly

You should study the material before choosing to use them for your custom cables. Now, let’s learn about the cost issues that must be kept in mind while designing a custom cable.

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Chapter 3. Superior Product Quality of Cable Manufacturing And Assembly

 Safety is the biggest concern when dealing with electricity. It would help if you had proper certifications to ensure the quality of the material used is as you expect. The custom cables must have ISO and UL certifications. Both of these organizations test the cables based on certain industry standards and check their quality and performance.

While the safety certifications and testing procedures ensure the quality of a custom cable, the design of the cables requires professional knowledge. Design elements like the conductors in use, jacketing of the cable, connectors, and insulation contribute to the safety of the cable. For example, a cable might meet the cost for its requirement, but if it doesn’t have appropriate jacketing, it won’t survive in the working environment.

So, an engineer who works on the design of custom cables needs to have a thorough knowledge of the materials. The material should meet the quality and safety standards as well as fit the client’s budget. Thus, any custom cable assembly organization should give their clients both quality and variety for the price they’re paying.

There are also certain industry-specific certifications that a cable must adhere to to be used for its projects. For example, every cable in the Aerospace industry needs to have an AS9100 certificate. Some industries also require certifications that ensure that the cables don’t produce any toxic waste and are environment-friendly.

Other components like connectors and terminals should also be genuine. A low-quality product can cause damage to the equipment because the cable wouldn’t function properly. Therefore, the quality of the material is of the utmost importance when choosing it for your custom cable assembly.

Custom Cable Assembly

Chapter 4. High Level of Service and Support

The delivery of the product doesn’t mean that the service is over. Every cable assembly organization must have a team of professionals that helps you through the process. They should be able to assemble the cable at your workplace after delivery. The team should also be able to resolve any issues that may occur after the installation. They should be able to deal with any problem that a customer might have while using the product.

For example, our company has set up its LinkedIn and Facebook accounts to connect with its customers. The rise of social media and instant messaging services allows us to listen to your problems at any time and respond to them as quickly as possible. You can directly ask us questions, and we can work with you to resolve any issues. Our team of Consultants will handle your problems one-on-one. Apart from that, our engineers will help you with everything.

Custom Cable Assembly

Chapter 5. Achieve More With us

Providing High-Quality Custom-Made Cable Assemblies

Custom cable assemblies are fit for the simplest to the most complex of tasks. Every material is chosen based on the client’s requirement ensuring quality and efficient working. The cables are designed, prototyped, and approved before being sent to production. The cables last you for a long time and don’t have any performance issues. 

We’re experienced manufacturers of custom cables and wire harnesses. Philosophy has always been to produce high-quality products for every customer. The design and the material of the cable are approved before a prototype is prepared. We involve our customers throughout the process to ensure their requirements. Each cable is tested before being delivered to the client. Our team of professionals takes care of your every need before, during, and after the sale of the custom cable.

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In this article, we’ve covered everything you should keep in mind while designing your custom cable assembly. Carefully selected materials should be used for each component. You can contact us if you have any more questions about custom cable assemblies. Our team of professionals will help you pick the right one for your project.

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