Cable Assembly China: Take Your Time Choosing a China-based Outsourcing Partner

A wire harness is a collection of cables, connections, and wires used to supply power or electrical signals to an electronic device or device. Wire harness makers are the businesses that assemble wire harnesses. They perform different tasks, such as soldering, crimping, cutting, stripping, and assembly in-house. Hence, if your company is involved in wire harnesses and assembly, you should speak with a wire harness maker. Most multinational corporations routinely use offshore cable suppliers, especially cable assembly in China. Why?

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Benefits of China-based cable assembly manufacturing

China is becoming the focus of connectors and cable assemblies. Here are a few benefits of hiring a Chinese-based wire manufacturing company.

Sourcing raw materials at cheaper rates

As more and more international Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) providers set up shop in China, the country is rapidly expanding its role as the world’s primary hub for electronic production. 

In 2017, China imported a total of $1.62 billion of connector items, demonstrating the country’s status as a major buyer of electronic components. More than 600 genuine connectors and cable parts suppliers operate on the Chinese mainland.

China Manufacturers may benefit from bulk purchasing discounts on raw materials. The savings from these reduced prices will benefit the client in many ways.

The wire extrusion industry’s easy access to raw materials is attributed to a large pool of skilled workers, rapid production cycles, and competitive prices.

Prompt and timely deliveries

Delivery times that won’t leave you waiting indicate that the manufacturer isn’t serious about doing business. If there are problems on their end, they will be honest about them, working to minimize the impact on your organization. The same, however, cannot be true for producers who are neither skilled nor moral.

In China, however, the trade names are working on faster deliveries, Thus providing you with products in less turnover time. That way, you don’t have to wait for quality cable assembly for longer periods.

Lower production costs

There will be huge costs if you start making wire harnesses. All the costs associated with running the business will fall on you, whether direct (labor and equipment) or indirect (overhead, healthcare, tax, and bonuses). Your product prices will rise over time, driving away buyers unless you take action.

However, moving production to a lower-labor country can reduce your overhead spending and labor and materials. And when labor costs are low, you’ll be able to sell your wares to consumers at much-reduced costs. The best part is that your wire harness will be of the highest quality, even if you lower the production and labor costs.

Superior service

A professional wire harness manufacturer will have decades of expertise in making wire harnesses and other assemblies. The manufacturer has undoubtedly become an authority in wire harnesses thanks to their extensive experience in the field.

If you build your team to produce wire harnesses, the chance is that you miss out on expert advice. Also, it will use up all of your company’s resources, which is especially problematic for startups and SMBs.

Hence, hiring professionals from china will be helpful if you want your cable harnesses made in the safest ways possible. It would also free up your time to concentrate on other weak spots in your company.

Fair contract negotiations

If you’re searching for a manufacturer, you should know some facts. Some firms may trick you into doing business with them by making exaggerated or misleading statements. 

Most Chinese companies go for fair negotiations right from the beginning of the contract. Hence, you need to look out for a good reputation company, and voila, you got through the problem.

Manufacturing of a Cable Assembly

Caption: Manufacturing of a Cable Assembly

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How to Search for Cable Manufacturers in China?

To narrow down your search for an overseas cable maker, you can use a search engine to find potential companies to get in touch with. You’ll first notice that most of the bespoke cable assemblers listed in the major manufacturing directories are located in China.

You can look through the directory and make a list of leads to contact. However, when you visit the manufacturer’s website, you’ll find that the directory is the only way to get in touch with them. A third option for locating a suitable cable maker in China is to hire an outsourcing firm and inquire about their contacts in the industry. Of course, this has the potential to be useful, but you’re probably here because you’re trying to cut costs, and any time you bring in an outside party, you’re also committing to paying them.

There is also no assurance that you will be given a workable outsourcing alternative, as you will now need to research the credibility of your cable maker and the outsourcing firm itself. Bear in mind that you still need to maintain your production schedule.

Checking the wiring system on the control desk

Caption: Checking the wiring system on the control desk

How to Find Authentic Wire Assembly Manufacturers in China?

In today’s market, you can find thousands of vendors. When choosing the one best for your cable assembly requirements, many options might be challenging. So, remember these points the next time you search for a good company to deal with.

Specify your needs

When talking to potential cable assembly suppliers, provide as much detail as possible about your company’s requirements. You can use this information to select a provider who can meet your specific needs.

Do a quick search online.

Take some time to check out their websites once you’ve narrowed down your list of prospective cable manufacturers in China. The cable assembly provider’s website introduces the company and its offerings.

Seek recommendations from your contacts.

You can also count on the advice of your existing network and business contacts while searching for the best provider. Ask around your field for recommendations on a good cable assembly manufacturer and find out why they employ them.

Contact cable harness suppliers for queries

Inquiring about a cable assembly provider’s reliability is the greatest approach to finding out if you can trust them. You can make a better choice if you understand the company’s working system. Some of the parameters to ask are

  • Delivery Time
  • Types of Cables they offer
  • Certifications
  • Any product Samples
  • Process of Cable Manufacture
  • Warranty Policy
  • Any post-project services

Notice the communication style of the company

When searching for a trustworthy Chinese cable assembly manufacturer, it’s also crucial to analyze the company’s method of communication. Here, the finest vendors will respond to your emails and phone calls professionally and expediently.

Request the product samples

If you want to be sure that a wire assembly supplier is a good fit for your company, you should order samples of their goods before committing to working with them. The most reliable sources for cable assemblies would gladly provide you with a test sample so you can evaluate the quality for yourself.

Ask for custom cable assemblies.

The manufacturers you work with to create custom cables should be RoHS-compliant and UL-authorized if you seek a source. Also, you should consult with their experts to learn more about their capacities and manufacturing abilities.

Ask about the cable assembling process.

It would help if you inquired about the process of making the cable harness of the Chinese supplier you are considering working with. As a result, you’ll know if their cable production plant is up to par with global norms.

Ask for the delivery time.

Different companies have different standards for how long it takes to get a product from concept to store shelf. For this reason, it is important to inquire about the time to manufacture your order. Also, it would help if you ascertained whether or not they have a quick enough manufacturing procedure to satisfy the needs of your business.

Investigate their warranty policy.

Although low-priced cable assemblies might initially appear like a good value, they usually only come with a limited guarantee. Before making a purchase, you must investigate the vendor’s warranty coverage. The top vendors provide lengthy guarantees on their wares, often as long as five years.

See compliance certificates

You should ensure a cable assembly vendor is certified before signing a contract. This will give you confidence that their goods and services are up to par with the rest of the market. ISO/TS16949, UL, and RoHS are just a few of the most frequent certifications for cable assemblies.

Ask about the quality control measures.

Please inquire about the manufacturer’s adherence to established production protocols and whether or not its personnel receives appropriate training before beginning work on cables. Further, you might ask the manufacturer about their QC testing gear.

Request a quick quote for your project

Finally, before deciding on a provider, get quotations from other sources. This will help you determine how affordable the provider is and if you can afford the parts. However, remember that cost isn’t everything when picking a vendor.

Quality testing of cable assembly

Caption: Quality testing of cable assembly


Chinese suppliers often offer lower prices than cable assembly suppliers in other countries, which can benefit businesses looking to save money on their purchases. However, the fierce competition among cable assembly suppliers makes the stakes high. It would help if you had a supplier who understands your needs and wants. Cloom is a Chinese vendor with a competitive advantage and continuous improvement, offering Precision Cable Assemblies to meet customer satisfaction.

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