
lightning rod

Lightning Rod Test: Maintenance Of Lightning Protection Systems

Lightning flashes are common in bad weather with thunderstorms. To protect yourself from lightning, you generally move inside your home or business. But what if lightning strikes these buildings? When lightning strikes a building, it travels through these buildings to find a path to the ground. It will pass through the electrical wires and electronic

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copper grounding lightning protection system

Ground Test: A Safety Step for Effective Grounding Systems

As you know, grounding an electrical system makes the system safe from power surges. If you do not ground a conductive surface, it may become electrically energized. And when you touch such a system, current will pass through your body to the earth. As a result, you get a shock. A good grounding system ensures

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electrical relays, breakers, and ballasts

Relay Coordination: Importance In Power Systems

In all interconnected power systems, relay protection is the primary instrument. These systems isolate fIn all connected power systems, a relay protection device is a primary instrument. These systems separate fault locations with a healthier network. You can detect a fault by monitoring several changes. These are voltage dip, current changes, frequency, temperature, etc. However,

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Load Flow

Load Flow: Manage the Future Loads Efficiently

You require load flow analysis whenever you design a new project or plan to change the existing system. It is essential to conduct research beforehand to ensure that the current and voltage are within safe limits. Moreover, it checks for the additional services the equipment may require for maintenance. If you fail to conduct this

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An electrician checking an industrial machine

Live Testing: How to Do It While Avoiding any Health Risks and Problems

There are two things you want in your facility. First, you need the gear to deliver optimal and consistent performance. Additionally, the equipment shouldn’t cause any damage or accidents, with injuries.  Live testing can help to maintain both goals. It involves checking if the gear works right while it’s operating.  But, there is something you

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Electrical Safety Tested: Enhance Equipment And Facility Safety

Have you ever seen any shock or fire from electrical devices? In general, most consumer electrical products run on batteries and operate at extra low voltages.  They generally do not offer electrical safety hazards to the consumer. However, when you plug the battery charger into the wall socket and connect it to the electrical device,

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A waveform illustration

Harmonic Study: The Guide to When, Why, and How to Do This Analysis

Harmonic currents and voltages can harmonic currents and voltages can have various strengths. Depending on the electrical setup, the system can handle those levels. A harmonic study helps you analyze this wave distortion and reveals whether its ranges are acceptable. That allows you to find potential issues and deal with them. If you’d like to

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A motor control center

Motor Control Center Testing: All Details EXPLAINED

A motor control center operates your electric motors. You can find a solid-state motor controller or overload relays to protect the engine. Furthermore, you’ll discover overload protection relays and a circuit breaker that offers short-circuit protection. Also, disconnecting control switches to isolate the motor circuit. Separate control transformers serve for the three-phase power to move

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Electrical Calibration

Electrical Calibration: Compare and test your devices

In case of excessive use of the device, there is a chance that the accuracy will decrease over time. The instrument will readily drift apart in a humid, hot environment. While working with AC-DC variable power supply, one cannot take risks. Hence, you have to opt for electrical calibration to omit wrong calculations. Electrical calibration

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Thermography Testing

Thermography Testing: All Questions Answered

While using an electrical panel for your home supply, there is a chance of equipment damage. Besides, the problem may lead to excess power usage or catastrophic equipment failure. Hence, the  Electricity at Work Regulation Act 1989. states guidelines to avoid it. Thermography testing,  detection of defects is becoming popular, as the thermal image can

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arrester house lightning icon

Lightning Arrester: A Protective Device For Your Electrical Systems

When lightning strikes, it creates a voltage surge. Both cloud-to-cloud lightning and cloud-to-ground lightning can result in voltage surges.  Now, this voltage surge wants to equalize itself as soon as possible, and it can do so by short-circuiting your electrical equipment. For example, it can either directly hit your house or strike on a cable

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Soil Resistivity Testing: All Things You Want To Know

Whenever any fault or electrical surge occurs in many substations, the earth absorbs all the fault current. Even while providing electricity for domestic usage, the electricians ensure a proper grounding system to maintain the flow of electric current.  However, for setting up the earth system, you need to have enough soil corrosivity. How can you

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automatic transfer switch

Automatic Transfer Switch Testing Procedures: When and How to Do Them?

What happens when the primary power source goes off? An alternate source starts operating and powers the electrical equipment.  How does this happen? A transfer switch switches the electrical loads between two power sources.  Sometimes, these transfer switches are manual. An operator throws the switch whenever the two power sources lose or gain power. However,

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Ductor Test

Ductor Test: Here’s Why They’re Necessary

Nowadays, electronic devices are present everywhere, whether it’s a commercial building or residential spaces. That means circuit breakers, switches, relays, and other electrical connections work around the clock to prevent electrical damage. However,  as long as two conductors are in contact, you can expect some resistance. And too much resistance leads to power outages and

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PFC Test: Importance for Electrical Installations

Electrical installations have protective devices with a certain circuit breaker capacity. Their purpose is to deal with these currents. However, if they can’t cope safely, that can lead to damages and fires. Therefore, you need to measure prospective fault current (PFC) and calculate its values at the source and other relevant points in the setup.

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